Wednesday 28 March 2018

Is Your Makeup Bag a Treasure Box or a Trash Collection?

Makeup sure works wonders to improve your appearance.  It can conceal the most ghastly scar to the unsightly imperfections and many times transforms you almost totally!  If like the old me, you are a collector with a makeup bag bulging with more content than it can hold then you need an intervention.

  My makeup shopping wisdom I bless you with wholeheartedly! *Wink *Wink.

Understand Your Skin type, Complexion and Undertone.

  Finding the right makeup items for you will only be achieved after you understand your complexion and what shades and hues of makeup items suit you. Also, your skin type is a major factor to consider before buying items. There are two major skin tones: the yellow sister and her dark sibling. Although there is a variety of colourings between them but majorly, they tend towards either of both. For oily skin go for water base moisturizers or serums before applying your oil-free foundation and matte makeups. For women with combination to dry skin, they can use moisturizing products. Always read details of products before purchase.                                                    
                                                Don’t Buy On Impulse!

"Wow!! Nice colour!" Yeah true, but wait an impulse buying second! Does the colour suit your complexion? Would you be seeking another lipstick or whatever else product that suits you better the moment you get home and try this one only to hate it? Never buy makeup just for the look of it alone. Ask at the store for a tester of the same colour/shade that you can try to be sure it actually suits you before laying down the cash.                                         
                                        Don't Be A Sucker For Cheap Craps!

"Yay. It's soooooo cheap!" Yeah right! There is a reason why it's cheap and another costly. The leading reason for an over-flowing makeup bag is the love for the cheap price tag. Many of the very cheap makeups that have flooded the Nigerian market are dubious formulations from china and wherever else. The manufacturers of these toxic lots hardly bore in mind health concerns and safety of consumers which is why many of them cause your lips to turn dark and only God knows what you are swallowing bit by bit daily, ewwwww! Upmarket brands are better formulated enriched with vitamins and essences to protect and nourish your lips and skin.                    
                              Bear Safety and Class In Mind While Buying.

In Fairness to street and open market makeup vendors maybe I should be sorry to make this assertion which is 99.9% accurate by the way, many of their wares are fakes and toxic formulations from china. My aversion to fakes and thrash got the best of me so I said it. Upmarket brands come with better performance and a lot of health goodies packed in them.

                Understand That Makeup Is An Investment; Spare A Little More Cash.

Putting your best appearance forward each time is good for your confidence and reputation. For this reason invest in good brands of makeups to help accomplish a flawless appearance. Don't expect to get the effect that an upmarket brand gives from one of China's many sub-standards.

                              Go For Multi-purpose Makeup Items.

They are those makeup items that can accomplish more than one task for you and they are just awesome and come handy when travelling. They help manage money and prevent your makeup bag from bulking.
In a nutshell, a few good carefully selected products collection is better than an overflowing bag of thrash!

Tuesday 13 June 2017

The A B C of Being a Beautiful Woman.


Ostensibly, it's all about a happy skin- the largest body organ that provides the illusion.

How would I know if my skin is happy? You would be sure if you don't abuse your skin with bleaching cosmetics, steroids, sleep deprivation, poor hygiene, bad diet, smoking, dehydration and long sun exposure without a high SPF cream. Sad truth be told: not everyone is blessed with good skin. Some are born with trouble-free radiant skin and remain so all their lives by no effort of theirs, while some achieve beautiful skin by their endeavours.

However, with a good skincare regimen and a healthy diet anyone can achieve beautiful skin. Wisdom for any woman is to know that beauty isn't achievable by materialism. No amount of make-up and finery can mask the woman that you truly are - a case of beauty being from a deep place.

Sadly, the convictions of women around the world are unifying on the stance that the best of beauty products, clothings and perfecting your makeup artistry is all it takes to be beautiful. 'Packaging' is the Nigerian parlance that summarizes the act -a damaging error.

Nothing bought can help a woman rid herself of low self-esteem or shoot up her confidence. True, to an extent, your sort of finery can help you appear quite the poise lady; it is all but a charade if your beauty lacks depth. It will only be a matter of time before the façade you have created crumbles to reveal the unattractive being within.

Today, magazines, Hollywood, cosmetic adverts and even the dogmas of the society have accorded themselves the audacity to sit on beauty's judgement throne from where they dictate to women what beauty is and should be. An unfair standard via photo-shopped models they set for us. Unfortunately, our beauty perception is attacked and forced to submission. Not any more do we admire the true worth of a woman which is in her simplicity, grace, mien, intelligence, relationship with her maker and others around her, education, and the winnings she has had in her life's struggles...

Allow me the audacity to define a beautiful woman as: that sister who has mastered the act of grooming the exterior as she does the core; she who has found the equilibrium, thereby coming into her own through thick and thin. Yes, I assert: Beauty is embellishment beyond appearance.